Tag Archives: victorian novels

A whirlwind…

I’ve been absent for a very long time. I wrote a post to explain dropping water on my laptop but I never got round to posting it. Sorry.

Easter went very quickly for me (with just reading for my course), and now I’m back into the last term of my 2nd year! I finish by the end of May so it’s not even a particularly long term. One thing you can be sure about Uni is there really isn’t much of a term sometimes.

Having started this blog with not a lot of idea what I wanted to do as a Career, having had ideas, scrapped them, I’ve finally found a field I want to go into. It has all become a bit manic recently though obviously quite exciting! In mid April I did work-shadowing in the Human Resources department of my University. I thoroughly enjoyed it – it gave me an insight into 8 different roles they have and their advice was amazing. I know now more than ever that it is something I want to do  – I still get people trying to sway me, but I’ve had that all my life so it’s water off a duck’s back.

I also applied for a position in the Student Union known as a Student Voice Advocate. Student Voice is a free and confidential service available to all Loughborough Students Union members, offering information and advice on issues or conflicts that students have with their college or university. I had an interview yesterday, which I was a little nervous about but it went really well and I had an email in the afternoon that I had been successful! woo! I really wanted the position to give back to my university, and though it means another commitment in my final year of uni, I’m excited by it and trying to take every opportunity of my final year at uni. Training begins next week.

When I typed ‘water off a duck’s back’  earlier, I will admit it initially came out as ‘duck of a water’s bottom’. Not a lot of sense there at all. I’ll admit – I’m stressed out with now looming deadlines only 26 days away (yes, I’m counting).

I suppose I should stay faithful to my blog and talk a little about literature – my modules are proving interesting. But why did no one tell the Victorians that novels didn’t have to be so long?! It is probably the biggest difficulty this term, in finding the time to get through 400+ page novels and balance everything else. I have to say even my short weird tales have been neglected and they’re often a measly 40 pages. What has maintained my interest is my African American Culture module. I really enjoyed Walter Mosley’s The Long Fall  and we’re also looking at films and rap culture too – it brings back my love of history studying how the culture has grown and become rooted within American society.

One last update – my fundraising for the London to Paris! It’s actually gone wonderfully, and I’ve raised £856! I have to say there is a lot you can do but always get your family and friends on board. I am so grateful for my parents’ support, they have helped me so much.

Enjoy the summer – it seems to finally be here!

Love E xx

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